No-Limit Income Money System 

How Does Self-Discovery Affect Your Income and Happiness

Self Discovery is a lifelong and hard process for each and everyone one of us.

Knowing what we really want in life isn’t as simple as it may seem.

There will always be a time we feel messy inside, drain our energy, feel unsecured, and feel lost in life.

It’s emotionally devastating…

You’re not alone.

That’s why I decided to write a three-part Self Discovery Blog Series that will help you find what you really want in life, be happier, increase your income, and live a more fulfilling life. 

So be sure to check out all these three parts of Be Your Boss Self Discovery Approach – so keep reading!

Part 1: How does self-discovery affect your income and happiness (you’re reading it now).
Part 2: Ikigai meaning and how to get the money flow to your business
And Part 3: Real-life situation awareness to getting what you want in life

This is a quick story that illustrates how Self Discovery turns me to be a better person and have a better life.

I know you can do this too...

Eleven years ago, when I was working in a company as an ex-pat executive, I got involved in two business start-ups…from zero to 3,000+ employees, product launching, marketing, and finance, literally from the ground up without a beautiful title. 

I worked in this company for 16 years. I love what I do and put my blood, sweat, and tears into getting the company up and running. 

Until one day…

It hit me! 

Because no matter how good or skillful you are or whatever effort you put in at work, “we” as an employee, we are replaceable. 

We (my husband and I) quit our 8-5 job on May 2, 2012. We worked together for this company and were based in Vietnam for nine years and seven years in Thailand. Actually, this is one of the biggest decisions we ever made of discovering the unknown…quitting our job together.

Scary? Absolutely Yes!

Everybody says “you would be foolish to give up a steady paycheck and corporate job security to take a chance on something new”.

Well, this is absolutely true! 

I’m definitely not trying to encourage you to march into your own boss’s office tomorrow without any life contingency.

I had full experience in setting up and running multi-million dollar businesses, but running an online business is something new to me several moons ago.

I don’t have any technical skills, no idea how FaceBook works, don’t even know what an email auto-responder is, and don’t understand any single internet lingo online marketers are using…Html? Domain?

If you will ask me on a scale of 1-10, I must admit that I am below 1.

Now…Is it okay to want many things out of life? Great career, money, be successful, be happier, and live a more fulfilling life?

Of course, yes! 

In this post, I will share with you the step-by-step self-discovery process that you can take to know yourself better. 

4 Effective Self-Discovery Steps To Get What You Want In Life:

Step 1: Situation Awareness.

The Be Your Boss Situation Awareness is about knowing where you are financially so you can develop a skill set to improve your current situation when opportunities show up or if your boss cut back on the extras.

Did you know that employers can terminate your work contract to cut costs?  Or can offer you a retirement package as an incentive to step down voluntarily? One of the main reasons why workers get laid off is because the company decides to cut back their expenses to stay afloat in business.

And many new entrepreneurs do not understand the importance of situation awareness.

Now, let me ask you this. 

If you have children, and if you lost your job, how do you fund their education?

Every mom (like me) wants the best education for their children, and that’s why situational awareness is important in the self-discovery process.


Step 2: Assessing what you want to do.

Assessing what you want to do will help you plan, take action, and move forward because no one can do and dictate this for you. 

So the Be Your Boss Self-Discovery Approach serves as your guidelines, resources, and tools helping you to be prepared and turn what you know into your own money system so you’ll be equipped to handle uncertainties in life.

Back to my story...

Giving up two salary paychecks was not a joke.  Many sleepless nights thinking about what we need to do next after quitting our job. 

My daughter was attending grade school in Thailand and she was the first thing that came to my mind. I have no clues which school to send her to since she was raised as a 3rd culture kid and didn’t grow up in the Philippines (where I came from). 

Expat perks are over…

I was all over the place trying in vain how to generate extra money to make ends meet.

Starting a business is not easy especially if you do not have the capital to invest in it like us.

I searched online about “how to make money” opportunities, but the majority of my time was spent bouncing through scams and sifting through various websites, only to find out that there was no step-by-step solution for me to get started.

I got involved with a Network Marketing business believing that this is the best & easy way for me to run a business that I can consider “my own” giving me and my family the financial freedom that I am searching for, but guess what…

Self-Discovery Realization

After 7 months of chasing people to buy and join my business opportunity, I realized that this is not the kind of business that I want to pursue for the rest of my life.


  •    I don’t have full control of my product
  •    Don’t own my customer database
  •    Spending more to sustain my business than make money
  •    I don’t have full control over how I do my marketing
  •    Tired & exhausted from meeting up with people in the coffee shop and cold callings
  •    And…I am building other people’s dreams and not my own dream
Well, just want to share one of my favorite quotes below…

Benjamin Franklin, once said that by “failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”.

Step 3: Establishing Your Interest Awareness

Now, what you are truly interested in and passionate about?

Sometimes it’s easy to sit down and think about how things could be, how easy to imagine something big, but actually getting anything you want can be extremely hard, if you don’t know your interest or passion.

One thing I know for sure… Without knowing your interest or passion is like going to the airport without knowing which flight to take.

Being aware of what your interest is, will help you get some clues on where to put your focus, so you can maximize your effort and time to help you increase your income.

For example, in my case, my interest is teaching (I am teaching moms like me to learn how to be their boss!)

If you get stuck at any point in establishing your interest awareness – always remember that every aspiring boss mommies will encounter this (including myself) because self-discovery is a lifelong learning process and as we get older, our interest changes. 

Step 4. Career Discovery

You can use step 1-3 as your guideline to create a career by turning your expertise or passion into your own signature digital products. 

Digital products are products that can deliver electronically, so you don’t need to rent a warehouse to keep your goods, and no need to have any shipping cost to deliver them. 

Digital products examples: 

Ebooks, software, online courses, educational products, arts, templates, videos, podcasts, and membership sites. Anything that can be downloaded and used digitally can be considered a digital product.

But, making money online looks exciting and easy,  but actually, it has been built on a foundation of self-discovery, experience, hard work, passion, and determination that most people don’t see. 

Selling your signature digital products, is the sky’s the limit when it comes to your ability to earn.

Now, are you ready to roll up your sleeve and start your Self-Discovery Process?

So, let’s get to work.

Self-Discovery requires serious effort, but it’s one of the key ingredients to getting focused, being productive, get a flow in creating a path of organized life of freedom and purpose. 

Bookmark this page so you can go back here when you put your kids to bed or if you already finished your chores.

You can start with these 15 questions below which I will divide into 3 categories with 5 questions each.  

You can get a pen and paper to write down your answers or you can download the Self Discovery Action Planner Here! So, you can create a binder to print them out and organize them well as you go through the Be Your Boss Self-Discovery Process.


Category 1: Self-Discovery Questions about your Dream Life.

1. If you can create an income that has absolutely no limits, what kind of lifestyle do you exactly want? 

2. What would you choose to have?

3. And if you had all the money and time in the world, where would you go?  

4. Whom do you want to spend time with?

5.  How much money you’d like to have in your bank account?

Let’s say, for example, you have “me”. 15 years ago my dream life was to have a grand vacation at least once a year with my family (first-class ticket and 5-star hotel) and work at my own pace.

A lesson I’ve learned after quitting my job…

When you’re motivated and determined,
you’ll be more than willing to do whatever it takes. 
Everything else will take care of itself.

Fast forward… 

I’m not here to brag, but seriously if you truly know what you want in life, you can create an organized life of freedom and purpose. And I am so grateful and happy with my life now where I can spend more quality time with my family traveling the world.  Mine Be Your Boss dream lifestyle that now becomes a reality when I do the self-discovery process. 

So I set my life with intentions!


Category 2: Self-Discovery Questions about your Experiences.

1.  What is your most proud accomplishment in your life so far?

2.  Think about a sad or traumatic event in your life, what have you learned about it?

3.  What type of community service that you get involved with?

4.  What is your biggest accomplishment at work?

5.  If you are a mom, what are your proudest moments as a mom?

So, dive deep into acknowledging your proud achievements because this will help you to get an idea of how you can narrow down what career or business that suits you.

Category 3: Self-Discovery Questions about your Self Growth.

1.  What trait do you have that people see in you that makes them like or look up to you?

2.  What things do you value in life?

3.  From 1 to 10, how ambitious and confident are you?

4.  What type of person do you want to be?

5.  Do you tend to do things just to impress others?

Self Discovery is very important if you want to find direction in life and to get anything you want (big or small) in life.

Final thoughts

I am sure that you didn’t just land on this page accidentally.

If you follow the Self Discovery Process, this will help you overcome the struggle of feeling unsecured and being lost in life. 

So take the time to know yourself better to help you to get unstuck to live a more fulfilling and happy life.


Make this happen!

LearnToBeYourBoss can help you turn your expertise or passion into digital products, be recognized as an expert in your field and boost your online visibility, credibility, and be happy.

So be sure to check out all these three parts of the Self Discovery Blog Series.

Part 1: How does self-discovery affect your income and happiness (you’re reading it now).
Part 2: Ikigai meaning and how to get the money flow to your business
And Part 3: Real-life situation awareness to getting what you want in life

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About Jeng Cua

Jeng started selling her digital products and generating passive income online in 2013. This #WFA (work from anywhere) mom wouldn’t let anything stop her from chasing her dreams. Her mission is to help aspiring boss moms turn their expertise or passion into a no-limit income money system using her Be Your Boss Approach.

All rights reserved. Learn to be your boss.